Brighten Your Day — 8 Simple Steps to Add Some Happiness to Your Hours

When you make the choice to brighten your day you give yourself an immediate energy boost. It doesn’t take a lot, and it’s really that simple. Every day has its ups and downs. That’s part of life. And sometimes it may feel like you’re experiencing more downs than ups. But you have a lot more power…

Your Self-Care is Key, Today and Every Day

Yes, self-care is key, no matter what time of year it is. And finding time as the holiday season is upon us gets harder and harder, doesn’t it? This time of year, it’s so easy to get swept up and swept along in the rush and bustle. And ultimately that adds to stress while it…

Goals and Values: Sync Them to Power Up Your Time

Goals and Values:  When you have them in sync, the sky is the limit.  But when they are out of sync, you’re likely to find yourself mired in confusion and procrastination. This recent post on The Happiness Project takes a quick look at Decoy Habits – and speaks to 

Gratitude: Feel It and Create a Heart-Based Day!

Gratitude is a very powerful attitude.  It has no equal as a vehicle for transforming your time and perspective … and opening your heart!  And Valentine’s Day is a perfect day for reflecting on heart-based living. In the past I’ve

Time-Saving Tips: Telltale Traits of Perfectionists

Time-saving tips help you jump-start your productivity and unclog your creativity when perfectionism has you stuck. In our last post, we discussed how perfectionism is one of the sneakier time poisons. Did that resonate for you? Maybe you are wondering, today, whether your desire for excellence is healthy or something that steals 

Find Time to Make Your Morning Ritual Sparkle

Finding time is a wonderful event.  So, why not celebrate it with special time for yourself at the start of the day? A morning ritual offers a chance to celebrate your accomplishments and just being YOU, and gives you a reliable energy boost, first thing, each and every day. Today I’m extending our exploration of…

Find Time for Gratitude and Watch Your Energy and Enthusiasm Soar!

Finding time to feel and express gratitude expands your heart and boosts your energy whenever you do it! It’s an amazing alchemy.  As I work on the final touches of next week’s Finding Time E-zine, I am reminded of an article from a previous e-zine where I explored the power of gratitude in our lives. …