Crisis Times: Respond Using These 3 Timely Tips

Crisis times come unexpectedly, by definition.  How do you respond?  When it’s someone else’s crisis that strikes, do you find yourself full of feelings and knocked off track? The time challenges that a crisis presents are complex.  But the good news is that a friend or family member’s crisis, while very difficult, doesn’t need to…

Time Choices and Self-Care: Using 30-Second Refreshers to Survive the Holidays!

Your time choices determine your experience of time … and of your life.  That’s a very powerful fact to take in.  Time choices are key, and they are in your hands. So, as the winter holidays gear up and move into full swing, I want to share a survival tip that will help you 

Time-Saving Tips: Telltale Traits of Perfectionists

Time-saving tips help you jump-start your productivity and unclog your creativity when perfectionism has you stuck. In our last post, we discussed how perfectionism is one of the sneakier time poisons. Did that resonate for you? Maybe you are wondering, today, whether your desire for excellence is healthy or something that steals 

Lists, Lists, and More Lists: October Favorites for Finding Time

Lists can be very helpful tools, and they become even more important as the holidays approach and life gets busier and busier.  Even Santa is known to make a list from time to time … and check it twice. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves here. The thing is that lists are 

Time Boundaries and Time Balance: Just Ask Paula!

Boundaries are essential tools for successfully navigating through your days and getting things done.  Today I’d like to share a question from a reader. It’s a question about boundaries and it offers an opportunity to explore how your time boundaries help you 

Time Balance: The Key to Sustaining Yourself and Your Productivity!

Time balance is a key component in your tool box of time management skills.  Many people believe that productivity is best maintained by being busy all the time.  In fact, this couldn’t be farther from the truth! Your productivity is predicated on staying focused and keeping your energy and motivation from flagging.  And time balance is…

Time Balance and Other September Time Finder Favorites for You!

Time Balance, transitions, priorities, and managing online time topped the list of Time Finder readers’ favorites during the month of September.  With school starting, vacations ending, and the season turning from summer to fall (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), it’s not surprising that