Holiday Celebrations: Finding Your Comfort Zone

Holiday celebrations offer wonderful opportunities to gather gratefully and connect with family and friends. They can also be times of major stress.  So, as we plan for 2013’s holiday celebrations, time management tips couldn’t be more important.

Find Time to Breathe In (and Breathe Out) Your Gratitude

Finding time to breathe deeply and savor our moments is a huge challenge and can be especially so during the busy holiday season. I know the feeling and I am sure that you do, too.  When your To Do List is brimming, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that your cup, too,…

Finding Time to Align Your Priorities with Your Deepest Values

Finding time to make choices that are in sync with your heart can be a challenge in the midst of the clamor of competing demands and responsibilities. Who and what do you listen to, when you are setting your priorities?  And do you set priorities at all? These are good questions to ask yourself periodically. …

Find Time to Feel Your Hunger and Your Gratitude

What does hunger have to do with time? Well, finding time to appreciate the so-called small things is one of life’s greatest joys.  And in the hustle, bustle, and privilege of our everydays, it’s a joy that we often neglect to give ourselves. Hunger and Gratitude In thinking about this, the other day, I was…