The 12 Day Secret is all about time and self-care and really assimilating, right down to your toes, that the way to live your moments fully is to be your own very best friend! So, taking the theme of the 12 Days of Christmas, I’ve created the 12 Day Secret! It’s a secret that
Time Choices and Self-Care: Using 30-Second Refreshers to Survive the Holidays!
Your time choices determine your experience of time … and of your life. That’s a very powerful fact to take in. Time choices are key, and they are in your hands. So, as the winter holidays gear up and move into full swing, I want to share a survival tip that will help you
Find Time to Give Yourself Something Truly Precious as the Holiday Season Begins
Finding time for YOU while getting everything else done is a challenge all year ’round .. and especially so during the holidays. Is that true for you – that you look forward to the holidays but then, more often than not, feel stressed and depleted as you move through the season? That’s not an uncommon…
Finding Time to Enjoy Holiday Times … When You are Already Busy!
Finding time in the span between Thanksgiving and the December holidays can be a huge challenge. Here we are on December 9th, with Hanukkah starting this Friday night, and Christmas and New Year’s soon to follow. How do you prepare for these celebrations, get everything else done, and take care of yourself, too? It’s a…
Finding Time with the Times Three Rule
Not to raise any time management red flags or anything, but have you noticed that Thanksgiving is nearly here, and Christmas and New Year’s are right behind? Your time choices today will definitely affect your experience on December 25th and January 1st, and even November 27th!By preparing for each upcoming holiday now, you’ll feel less…
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