Your Changes Affect Others — Sometimes It Takes a Village

Your changes almost always involve two sets of people: you and the other people in your life who are touched by the change, whatever it may be. In a previous post titled Going Through Changes? Supporting Yourself is Job #1 I wrote about how important it is to support yourself when you are going through…

Are Your Worries Scaring You? Well, This Really Helps.

Your worries have a profound impact on your energy and your stress level. Beyond that, worries affect your experience of time and eat away at your enjoyment of your life. It seems obvious that worry would trigger fears and add to your stress. But what is less obvious is the fact that slowing down and facing…

Deep Breathing to Find Peace, Energy, and Time

Deep breathing is a simple and powerful skill. When you cultivate and practice it, you do yourself a huge favor. Easy and always-accessible, deep breathing is a practice that reduces stress, improves your health in some very clear ways, and offers renewed energy and clarity whenever you implement it. Honestly, it’s THAT helpful and good for…

Fear Stealing Your Time and Energy? Make 2015 Different!

Fear is so debilitating! It robs you of confidence and creativity while wasting your time and siphoning off your energy into dead-end worries and what-if’s. Fear is also, quite often, unrealistic and unnecessary. It’s all about the stories we learned and the stories we tell ourselves. If scarcity of time or money … or anything…

Goal-Setting to Stay Flexible and Find Time!

Goal-setting.  What do you think of when you hear those words?  Is goal-setting something that you find to be a useful tool in your daily life?  Does it scare you? Pay attention to how your body 

Transition Time: Transform Your Energy to Thrive Through Changes

Transition times hold challenges and opportunities.  Challenges, because your life is in some kind of upheaval … and opportunities for the exact same reason! And the good news here is that you can redirect your energy to transform transitions into

Finding Time to Feel then Deal with Disaster

Finding time to deal with disaster is not a subject that we relish writing about. But it’s something we all need to be prepared for, as Hurricane Irene most recently reminded us. When confronted with sudden change, one key coping strategy is to take a step back and give yourself time to let your feelings out about what has happened.…